Allegion's Overtur™ is a cloud-based ecosystem where project team members come together to collaborate on the specification, design, and construction of door security and openings.
It provides a centralized place to capture, maintain and verify door hardware requirements and decisions, with easy options to push that information back to the design tools (e.g. Revit).
To get started login to and select a project under All Projects
*If your project dashboard is blank, ask to be invited.
Once you have entered a project you will have the following options available:
1. Project Stage
Selecting this dropdown will allow you to visualize & navigate to linked stages that you are a collaborator on. The stage could be any combination of the Design, Construct or Operate stage. For more information on Stages check out this article.
2. Summary
A brief highlight of the important descriptions of your project. To get more information you can select the "Details" button to see more information. If you have proper permissions, you may even edit these additional details.
3. Construct Collaborators
Anyone who has been added to the project will show up here. You will see their role and an easy button to contact them or all collaborators. For more information about the various roles please check out this article. We recommend adding your Allegion Representative and anyone you want to collaborate with, if they haven't already been added. If they have not been added, they will not have access. Simply click the [+Invite] button to add them.
4. Notes
Use this area to collaborate on the project by providing updates, questions, and any other project notes. You will see the person that created the note and when it was posted. You can learn even more about all things project notes here. (tone check)
5. Activity Feed
The project's most recent activity will be posted in this section. This will provide you the time and date of the activity as well as which collaborator conducted said activity. You can expand to see more dates and activities by selecting the [Show More] button. A few examples of activities are change in collaborators, file uploads, and most general activities.
Side Navigation Apps
6. Opening Management:
View Plans
Dedicated for viewing plans, hardware sets, project data and details. Think like your favorite Maps app, but for doors. For more articles on View Plans check here.
Track Changes
Visualize and review project version history. For more articles on Tracking Changes check here.
Map Data
Editors will have the ability to bring in data from an outside source. This function easily allows for your abbreviations to align to Overtur's standardized values. For more articles on Map Data check here. *Not all roles will have access to this. Example W=Width on one job but W=Wood on another. (wordsmith)
Punch Doors
Conveys history of post installations walks for your project. For more articles on Punch Doors check here.
7. Project Management:
Project Information
This will navigate you back to the project dashboard. *As shown in visual above. For more articles on Project Information check here.
Manage Versions
Editors will have the ability to version the project. Versioning is a snapshot of your project's data at a point in time. This will include door and hardware set information. For more articles on Managing Versions check here.
Share Files
View and upload files that pertain to your project. The file size limit is 250mb per file which is larger than most email clients. For more articles on Sharing Files check here.
Run Reports
Allows the sharing of data conveniently for those outside of the Overtur ecosystem. This could be as large as a catalogue cut sheet package (Hundreds of pages pdf), to something as specific as a Electronic data summary(2 sheet csv file). For more information on Run Reports check here.
1. Navigation Preference (Collapse/Hide)
To provide your screen with more real estate for your project, you can select 2 ways of maximizing your project screen. Think minimize and maximize. (Last here)
2. Gear Icon
Opens a menu to quickly get access to our Support Ticket system, articles in our Resource Center, customize your preferences, and check our legal and third party notices.
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