Drawing Files to Include
Overtur is optimized to work with a single PDF file of the drawings listed below. Please combine the documents listed below into a single PDF file with consistent page size and orientation. This process allows the hardware consultant and other project collaborators to navigate the plans as a set.
Drawing Types |
Description |
Floor Plans | Floor plans if the project spans multiple sheets (1/8” scale preferred, these plans should have the doors labeled appropriately). |
Door Schedule drawings | Doors schedule drawings (including door-type elevations; including style & rail dimensions) |
As applicable/available: | |
Life Safety Plans | Life Safety plans, including egress path(s) and other relevant building code/occupancy information |
Door Details | Door details (head, jamb, sill details) |
Overall Floor Plans | Any scale |
Additional sheets to consider: | |
Cover Sheet | Drawing index, building address, and other relevant information |
Site Plans | Plans including exterior gates, unique egress, or security considerations |
Atypical Level Plans | Plans that show access to tunnels, interstitial space, catwalks, connectors, etc. |
Electrical Drawings | Drawings for electrical coordination; including areas that could have specific access requirements or clearances, e.g., rooms with ≥ 800 amps of equipment |
Security Drawings | Drawings for access control |
Overtur Share Files
Overtur's collaboration platform includes a portal to allow any collaborator the ability to share files with other collaborators. Click here to learn more.
Overtur for Revit Plugin
Use the Overtur for Revit Plugin to send the requested plan information and other relevant project files. Click here to learn more.
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